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I Dont Care About Sim Racing Esports Anymore and Neither do You

I Dont Care About Sim Racing Esports Anymore and Neither do You

This brief article answers the state of sim racing esports as we know it, I am done with it, F1 esports saga or not.

Some people are going to arrive at this is article and think I have gone mad, but in my own true style, I don’t give a sh*t what those people may think.  Esports in the sim racing genre in 2023 has been a massive issue for the sim racing scene, and I will be honest, I have put out articles through the years to gain some awareness of events in an act of diversity for the sim racing genre, but this shall be my last mention for promoting Esports events.  Instead, it will be about how cheaters, rulebreakers and the downfall of it shall take centre stage.

The highlight of the year iRacing Daytona 24h Sh*tshow

As I tap the keys on this mighty fine Keyboard, I am smiling at the fact that the latest situation with the F1 Esports saga not happening (for now) makes me happy, do you know why, no one cares about Esports in the sim racing genre. This website has had some very impressive traffic over the years, I will give you one answer on what the lowest viewed topic is…..Esports. Now why am I smiling at that you may ask, it’s not because I have an issue with the drivers or teams, it’s the fluff and bullsh*t that comes with it.

Max Verstappen did this, I’m not mad at Max at all, but if pro Esports sim racing is supposed to be taken seriously and lead by example, then the drawing board needs to be revisited.  Do you honestly think Max will care if he gets a penalty for that?

The ultimate Esports sim racing camera position

We are supposed to pray to the almighty Esports gods of sim racing like we owe you something, truth is….we don’t. This year we promoted the Alpine series, we have promoted Williams Esports in the past, MotoGP and more, and no one cared, the amount of public people that looked at our articles on it was a joke and not worth the time.

As an independent website, we do not have to answer to anyone, we speak our mind and at times go a little Gonzo on the issue, just like this. This morning I watched some older videos by Austin Ogonoski, and do you know what, he is right about the Esports genre.

During the lockdown phases over the past couple of years, people needed an outlet for racing as the real world motorsport scene was on hold to a degree. Sim racing provided a great platform for professional drivers, sponsors and teams of series to still have a connection with its fanbase and those of that particular sport. Was it amazing, yes, but how many people actually came out publicly before lockdowns and said they were sim racers…. answers down below for that one.

So here we are with the F1 Esports saga, let me fire this one at you, more people will be annoyed that the game needs fixing than having an interest in this actual event, do we need to go down the path of cheaters, or do team owners and drivers want to keep that one quiet?

To be honest, you probably don’t care about that either, heck, why the hell are you even reading this article, go play iRacing or something.

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Darren Buckner

Darren Buckner

Darren became a member of Simrace247 in January 2021 and has been a valuable addition to the platform ever since. He began his journey as an Editor and has progressed to the position of Editor in Chief, owing to his unwavering commitment and hard work. With his profound interest in motorsport and gaming, Darren is passionate about sharing news and exceptional content with like-minded people worldwide.View Author posts