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Easy FOV Calculator for Sim Racing

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An easy to use FOV calculator that covers almost all sim racing games! People seem to underestimate the impact an incorrect FOV has on your depth perception in sim racing games.

In this easy FOV calculator for sim racing, Rampski goes into easy detail on how you can achieve that perfect FOV whichever sim racing title you are playing.

If you’ve never tackled your FOV setup, you’ve probably trained yourself to get used to a very large field of view. The correction might be initially uncomfortable to start with, but stick with it!

It will feel weird at first like you have your face up against the car windshield. All of this can be fixed with the right settings. But there is a benefit. A reduced Field Of View will help you become more aware of small changes in your car’s attitude and balance.

In the case of a triple screen setup, there are a few things to consider. One is if the sim supports separate rendering of screens. If not it means the picture will be looking warped and stretched out. Basically, it only supports a screen setup where the two side screens are mounted parallel to each other. When it does support separate rendering, the screens should be rotated to have your line of sight perpendicular to the screen for undistorted viewing. See below, the distance to each center should be the same.


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Paul Velasco

Paul Velasco